Great Lakes Dredging Updates
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SOO Locks | |
Seaway Location Maps | |
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Other Great Lakes | There is currently no vessel location system for most of Lake Erie, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron and Lake Superior outside of the Soo. Contact your vessel agent for more information. |
Great Lakes Navigation Notices:
Disclaimer: The USGLSA will do its best to keep LNM’s and other information up to date regarding Great Lakes navigation but the list should not be considered all inclusive. We do not receive all notices nor do we guarantee the correctness of transcription of information.
US Army Corps of Engineers posts notices about water flows in Lake Superior through Soo Locks. You can go to the USACE web site at: for monthly updates. Or contact Carl Woodruff for direct information.
Carl L. Woodruff, P.E., Hydraulic Engineer
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Detroit District, Great Lakes H&H Office
Watershed Hydrology Branch
Phone: (313) 226-2202
Fax: (313) 226-2398